
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

Promethean Training: ActivInspire for Intermediate Users
Class Description:
This class is designed for teachers that have some experience with using ActivInspire software. Teachers will learn more advanced flipchart building techniques and explore flipchart building to maximize the creativity and interactivity of the flipcharts. Time will be given to collaborate and plan with peers.
Date:Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 8:00:00 AM to 3:00:00 PM
Course Number:S0137vsRegistered:22/28
Presented by:Loretta Mansell, Claudia HuseLocation:PDC Computer Lab
Credit Hours:6Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:Staff with Promethean Interactive White Boards
For More Information: Contact Allison Byford at Phone: 479-750-8735
Posted by Vanessa Sbanotto   5/5/2010 3:18:39 PM / 20759

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
MARIA ALVAREZ INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  10-12 
Megan Arroyos INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Kindergarten 
KASEY BENSON INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  2nd 
PHUONG CHUONG-BERLANGA Central Junior High/Springdale Library Assistant   1, 2, 3 
Cathy Crouch INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  GT K-7 
Brooke Engleman Turnbow Elementary/Springdale Teacher    
Lisa Guthrie Turnbow Elementary/Springdale Teacher   Kindergarten 
HEATHER HACHMANN Parson Hills Elementary/Springdale Teacher  2nd 
Kim Justis Turnbow Elementary/Springdale Counselor  kindergarten 
DOROTHY LITTLE Shaw Elementary/Springdale Asst. Principal   
Mary Anne Mabry T.G. Smith Elementary/Springdale Counselor   Counselor 
Norma Neal Retired/Springdale Teacher  2nd Grade 
Shari Penney INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  first/second split 
Chula Rogers INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  1st 
WHITNEY SHADDOCK INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  1st 
Denise Stevenson INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  1st grade 
Leslie Taylor Retired/Springdale ESL Teacher  ESL 
CHERYL TUPPER George Junior High/Springdale Teacher   
Laura Venters INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Special Ed. 
Cynthia Whitaker Springdale High School /Springdale Teacher   N/A  
Janice Whitmire INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  2nd Grade 

The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the instructor(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and their usage does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale Public School District. If you have any questions about a class, please contact the instructor.