
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

Electronic AIP/IRI
Class Description:
Instructional Facilitators and Assistant Principals will receive refresher training on electronic AIP/IRI. Kelly Blackford with NORMES will be presenting.
Date:Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 8:30:00 AM to 11:30:00 AM
Course Number:S034vsRegistered:30/31
Presented by:Kelly Blackford - NORMESLocation:PDC Computer Lab
Credit Hours:3Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:Instructional Facilitators and Assistant Principals
For More Information: Contact Brian Horne at Phone: 750-8735
Posted by Vanessa Sbanotto   2/3/2010 9:44:23 AM / 20759

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
Andi Acuff Monitor Elementary/Springdale Principal   
Stephanie Anderson INACTIVE/Springdale Principal  6-7 
Kelley Barnard JB Hunt Elementary/Springdale Teacher  4th 
Joseph Bay INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher   
Shelly Bewley Shaw Elementary/Springdale Asst. Principal  K-5 
JENNIFER BOOGAART Tyson Elementary/Springdale Teacher   3rd grade 
Maureen Brogdon 99/Springdale Teacher  N/A 
Nandra Campbell Administration/Springdale Coordinator    
Meredith Cox Administration/Springdale Teacher  Instructional Facilitator 
Jackie Crisp Retired/Springdale Secretary   
Jean Davis 99/Springdale Teacher  Literacy Coach 10-12 
LaDena Eads Other/None/Springdale Director   
Gail Fenix INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  literacy coach 
Sara Ford INACTIVE/Springdale Principal  Principal 
Lana Hampton INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Grades 8 & 9 
Janet Harris Retired/Springdale Principal  K-5 
Brittney Hickman INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal  Grade 6-7 
Pamela Kachenchai Helen Tyson Middle School/Springdale Teacher   
Debbie Keen Tyson Elementary/Springdale Teacher   Grade 4  
Maya Longino INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher   
Brenda Marks T.G. Smith Elementary/Springdale Teacher   3rd 
Michelle Parker INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal  Grade 6 and 7 
Shannon Passmore INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal   
Kaci Phipps Young Elementary/Springdale Teacher   5th 
Jennifer Raabe J.O. Kelly Middle School/Springdale Asst. Principal  6-7 
JUSTIN SWOPE George Elementary/Springdale Principal   
Liesle Tallman Bayyari Elementary/Springdale Teacher   Instructional Facilitator 
Brice Wagner Retired/Springdale Principal  Principal 
Tonya Woods Retired/Springdale Asst. Principal  Office 

The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the instructor(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and their usage does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale Public School District. If you have any questions about a class, please contact the instructor.