
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

Promethean Training - Intermediate I **NOTE: THIS COURSE IS TWO 3-HOUR SESSIONS
Class Description:
BY REGISTERING FOR THIS CLASS YOU AGREE TO ATTEND BOTH JAN 18th AND JAN 25th CLASSES This course is for teachers that have already been through the Beginner course on ActivInspire. Teachers in this course must currently be using the software DAILY and have a basic understanding of ActivInspire. Skills such as the following will be covered: *Quick review of toolbox and resource library *Layers *Introduction to Browser Bar *Specialized tools: magic ink, connectors, x/y origin, math tools, shapes, camera tool, etc. *Importing a PowerPoint file *Downloading and modifying/personalizing a flipchart
Date:Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 4:30:00 PM to 7:30:00 PM
Course Number:S0360vsRegistered:11/25
Presented by:Leigh Caldwell and Teresa DavisLocation:PDC Computer Lab
Credit Hours:6Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:
Supplies:If you have a school laptop, please bring it so the work you do can be saved to your own files. 
For More Information: Contact Allison Byford at Phone: 750-8735
Posted by Vanessa Sbanotto   12/6/2010 1:38:53 PM / 20759

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
MICHAEL CAREY INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  8th 
Mandy Curtis Westwood Elementary/Springdale Teacher  2nd grade 
TRACY CURTIS INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Sixth 
MELISSA DAVIS Har-Ber High School/Springdale Teacher   7-12 
CARRIE HARDIN INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Pre-K 
Amber Jones JB Hunt Elementary/Springdale Teacher   K-5 Music 
STEPHANIE LONG Turnbow Elementary/Springdale Teacher  3rd Grade 
Nina Sbanotto Harp Elementary/Springdale Teacher   ASI 
BREE WAYMACK INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher   

The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the instructor(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and their usage does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale Public School District. If you have any questions about a class, please contact the instructor.