
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

PATHWISE Recalibration Training
Class Description:
This training is required by ADE for currently trained Pathwise mentors. Mentors who are currently approved by ADE, whose approval expires June 2011 need to register for this training.
Date:Friday, July 29, 2011, 9:00:00 AM to 3:00:00 PM
Course Number:S180maRegistered:30/30
Presented by:ADE Office of Teacher QualityLocation:George Jr. High
Credit Hours:6Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:Pathwise Mentors
For More Information: Contact Mel Ahart at Phone: 479-466-0305
Posted by MELVONA AHART   3/18/2011 9:29:42 AM / 22038

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
Tanae Berry Parson Hills Elementary/Springdale Teacher  Physical Education 
Deborah Bradford INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
Lisa Brady INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
Becky Davidson Retired/Springdale Teacher 
Stacey Dunavan JB Hunt Elementary/Springdale Teacher  K-5 PE 
Laura Etchison Walker Elementary/Springdale Teacher   
HEATHER GAVIN T.G. Smith Elementary/Springdale Teacher   
Kristin Groves Lakeside Junior High/Springdale Teacher   
JOHSUA HICKLIN Elmdale Elementary/Springdale Teacher   PE K-5 
STACY Hogue 99/Springdale Teacher   
Claudia Huse JB Hunt Elementary/Springdale Teacher  2nd 
Dianne Kellogg INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  Gifted/Talented 
Christy King Early Childhood Center/Springdale Teacher  Pre-K 
ASHLEY KIRBY Tyson Elementary/Springdale Asst. Principal   
Tansy Lindeman Harp Elementary/Springdale Teacher 
Rhonda McCrackin Tyson Elementary/Springdale Teacher  K-5 
HEATHER MILLER George Elementary/Springdale Teacher   
Janet Neil Retired/Springdale Teacher  Grade 2 
Kristen Novotny Springdale High School/Springdale Teacher    
Teresa Oliger Retired/Springdale Teacher  Grade 5 
Kimberly Oliver Har-Ber High School/Springdale Teacher   
LAUREL PICKEL George Elementary/Springdale Teacher   EAST 
Renee Sanders Turnbow Elementary/Springdale Teacher  Instructional Facilitator 
Leslie Staudt INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
Denise Stevenson INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  1st grade 
Christina Sweet INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
Kim Westphal Bayyari Elementary /Springdale Teacher    
ELLEN WHARRY T.G. Smith Elementary/Springdale Teacher  
Kelli Wineman INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  2nd grade 
Katherine Wormington Hellstern Middle School/Springdale Teacher   6th & 7th PE  

The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the instructor(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and their usage does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale Public School District. If you have any questions about a class, please contact the instructor.