
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

Modern Germany
Class Description:
The goal of the Transatlantic Outreach Program is to provide educators with first-hand information about Germany by offering premium, up-to-date material AND study tours to Germany. The program is a significant contribution to promoting better understanding of Modern Germany among young Americans. In this workshop, I will provide you with some of these materials as well as share a bit of my experience in Germany last summer on the TOP study tour. Snacks will be provided!
Date:Monday, April 18, 2011, 3:30:00 PM to 4:30:00 PM
Course Number:S190maRegistered:7/9999
Presented by:Kerri PackwoodLocation:Hellstern Middle School Lounge
Credit Hours:1Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:Teachers / Administrators interested in Germany
For More Information: Contact Kerri Packwood at Phone: 750-8725
Posted by MELVONA AHART   3/31/2011 9:49:24 AM / 22038

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
NICOLLE BAIN Hellstern Middle School/Springdale Teacher  6th 
Paula Ivey INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  7-Art 
Sandra Johnston INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
PACHIA LEE Elmdale Elementary/Springdale Teacher Aide   
KIMBERLY PIERCE Hellstern Middle School/Springdale Teacher    
KRYSTLE SMITH Hellstern Middle School/Springdale Teacher  
Sammie Spence INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  6 Social Studies 

The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the instructor(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and their usage does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale Public School District. If you have any questions about a class, please contact the instructor.