
Professional Development Opportunity DetailsProfessional Development Opportunity Details

Co-Teaching Building Leadership Team Meeting- Secondary Schools
Class Description:
Date:Monday, September 14, 2009, 8:00:00 AM to 4:00:00 PM
Course Number:S9253mhRegistered:26/50
Presented by:Rosemary Kirkpatrick, Petra Bland, Susan FribergLocation:PDC Large Conference Room
Credit Hours:0Fee:$0.00
Target Audience:Secondary Building Leadership Team
For More Information: Contact Marsha Hunt at Phone: (479)750-8880
Posted by Marsha Hunt   9/10/2009 9:49:52 AM / 22417

Registered Attendees
Name Building Occupation Grade Taught
Shelly Bewley Shaw Elementary/Springdale Asst. Principal  K-5 
Jaye Kay Brown 99/Springdale LEA Supervisor   
Marshall Donnell Administration/Springdale Director   
Lynda Hicklin INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal  Asst. Principal 
PADGETT ISAACKS J.O. Kelly Middle School/Springdale Media Spec  6 & 7 
KATHERINE JENKINS Shaw Elementary/Springdale Counselor  Special Education 
Carol Jones Retired/Springdale Teacher 
Kim Krueger School of Innovation/Springdale Teacher  8-12 
Kimberly Lewis INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal   
Todd Loftin Central Junior High/Springdale Principal   
Cynthia Longmate INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher 
Cindy Lyons School of Innovation/Springdale Teacher   
Andrea McKenna INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  7th 
Kathie Miller 99/Springdale Media Spec  10-12 
Joyce Nabors INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  N/A 
Michelle Parker INACTIVE/Springdale Asst. Principal  Grade 6 and 7 
Cindy Pearson INACTIVE/Springdale Supervisor   
Trina Pergeson Hellstern Middle School/Springdale Teacher   
Patti Pianalto INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  6 Language Arts 
Suzan Plyler INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher  6-7 Self Contained 
JAMIE PORTER INACTIVE/Springdale Teacher   
MARLYS SCOVILL 99/Springdale Teacher  Grades 10-12 
KAREN SHOWALTER Shaw Elementary/Springdale Teacher   Grade 3 
Marcia Smith Administration/Springdale Asst. Supt.  High School 
JUSTIN SWOPE George Elementary/Springdale Principal   
Melanie Thresher Springdale High School/Springdale Teacher   

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