Professional Development OpportunitiesProfessional Development Opportunities

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Click on one of the classes below to see details or to register.
Title Date Time Location Registered
Elizabeth Dederich
7/29/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  PDC  9/25
Benchmark Education
7/29/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  PDC   33/35
Christi Schrauger
7/29/2024  8:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM  PDC  44/70
Christi Schrauger
7/30/2024  8:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM  PDC  44/70
Christi Schrauger
7/30/2024  8:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM  PDC  38/50
Natalie Campbell, Abigail Scott, and Sara Kennard
7/30/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  DTSOI  12/40
Elizabeth Dederich
7/30/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  PDC  9/25
Benchmark Education
7/30/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  PDC   14/35
Melissa Exley
7/30/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  CJHS  14/9999
Benchmark Education
7/31/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  PDC   29/35
Carrie McDaniel
7/31/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  Helen Tyson Middle School   11/50
Julie Crane
7/31/2024  8:30:00 AM - 3:30:00 PM  PDC  20/50
Carrie McDaniel
8/1/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  Helen Tyson Middle School   6/50
8/2/2024  8:00:00 AM - 3:00:00 PM  SSAA  20/50
The title, description and other information on this page were supplied by the provider(s) of the class. Any copyrighted terms are the property of their respective holders, and does not imply approval or endorsement by the Springdale School District. If you have any questions about an offering, please contact the instructor.